Articles Tagged with defective products

There are multiple agencies under the umbrella of the federal government that investigate reports about defective products and enforce all relevant regulations. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is tasked with maintaining an ongoing, up-to-date list of all products that have been recalled, either by government officials or voluntarily by the manufacturer. In recent weeks, some items on the list include snowmobiles, children’s clothing, furniture, and electronics. Many of these products are rendered dangerous because of problems with the manufacturing process. 

However, there are numerous other consumer products that present a risk of harm because of issues when they were developed. In the practice of law, the problems with these items are considered to be design defects. They can cause serious injuries to users, so you should follow all manufacturer’s instructions regarding the recall. However, you should also contact a Miami design defects and product liability attorney if you were hurt.

Basics of Design Defects

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announces recalls of dangerous or defective products throughout the year, but its reports are especially important around the holiday season. This time of year, the stores are packed with shoppers and people are going online to search for the perfect gift for loved ones. The last thing you want is for a hazardous product to cause injuries to yourself or the recipient, but this is exactly what could happen when manufacturers and other entities in the supply chain do not take measures to ensure their products are safe. 

While you should always trust a Miami product liability attorney to handle the legal tasks if you were hurt, check out some of the recent product recalls before going holiday shopping this year.

Children’s Products and Toys

The last place you should worry about suffering injury is when you are lying in bed and relaxing, but the experience was quite the opposite for several victims who were hurt while sleeping in defective beds. A November 15, 2020 article in the Miami Herald outlined the details of a recent recall jointly announced by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and manufacturer Zinus. The recall covers 26,000 metal bunk beds that were not welded together properly, causing the upper bed to collapse. There have been 13 accidents reported involving the defective products, and victims have suffered serious injuries when falling or being crushed by the upper bunk. 

If you were hurt by any type of product, it is essential to speak to a Miami products liability lawyer about your circumstances. You may have options regardless of a recall, but you should understand the basics about your rights when a product is withdrawn because of serious defects.

Common Recalls of Household Goods

If you take certain medications for high blood pressure, heartburn, ulcers, and related medical conditions, you may be aware of multiple product recalls announced during 2019 and continuing throughout 2020. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) outlines the risks involved with these prescription and over-the-counter drugs, which may contain unsafe amounts of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) – a substance recognized by US officials and international medical groups as having the potential to cause cancer. 

While the NDMA contamination may seem like a typical dangerous drug case, there are several factors that make these matters complicated. You can trust a Miami products liability lawyer to explain the laws and assist with your legal remedies, but some basic information may be helpful.

Dangerous Drugs Linked to NDMA Impurities

When you think about the most common factors behind personal injuries, you probably assume that motor vehicle crashes and accidents on property will top the list. To a certain extent, this is true, but you are not always safest under your own roof. There are some hazards that may be lurking in your own home without you knowing, and they can lead to injuries when you least expect it. Some of these consumer products are unsafe by their nature, while others are only dangerous because they contain a defect that could lead to injuries. Many disproportionately affect children and the elderly, while others pose a risk for anyone in the household. 

If a defective product in your home caused injuries, it is important to reach out to a Miami products liability attorney who can advise you on your legal options. Meanwhile, review this list of dangerous items, check your home, and make necessary adjustments to protect your family.

  • Anything Subject to a Product Recall: You might read an occasional news story about a massive recall of defective products, but there are many issues that do not make headlines. To keep your home safe, visit the US Consumer Product Safety Commission Recall List (CPSC) from time to time. If there is a dangerous item in your home, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to handle it.

alexander-dummer-x4jRmkuDImo-unsplash-copy-300x200Now that 2019 is more than half over, parents may find it helpful to review some of the top children’s products that have been recalled due to dangerous defects and safety hazards. The Consumer Product Safety Commission Recall List includes a wide array of items, but clothing, toys, and other products dedicated for use by children are especially concerning because of the vulnerability of the end user. Children are typically unable to recognize flaws in the design or manufacturing process, and they may not appreciate the inherent risks involved with certain products. 

If your child suffered injuries because of a recalled product or any other consumer item, you should discuss your legal remedies with a Florida products liability attorney. An overview of the top children’s product recalls for the first half of 2019 may also be helpful.

  • Kids II Rocking Sleepers: This recall is seriously troubling both in terms of the number of affected units and the extreme risk to children. All 694,000 of these units were recalled in April 2019 after five babies died and dozens more were injured because of a defect in the design of the sleeper. According to reports, the infant victims rolled from their backs onto their stomachs, causing the sleeper to topple. The recall instructions directed parents to immediately cease use and contact the manufacturer for a full refund.
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