
Articles Posted in Miami slip and fall lawyers


FAQs About Slip and Fall Injury Claims in Florida

You may not expect to be hurt due to dangerous conditions on property, but a report from the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention reveals shocking statistics: Accidental slips, trips, and falls are among the top two causes of non-fatal injuries in the US. It is true that clumsiness…


The Basics of Florida’s Complex Slip, Trip, and Fall Law

The winter months are upon us. The winter months bring with them several holidays, including Christmas, that bring about millions of shoppers. People all across the state of Florida flock to stores. With the massive amounts of people out there shopping, personal injury rates significantly increase. This post will focus…


Court Decides What Law Applies to 2005 Slip and Fall Injury Lawsuit

It’s not often that a court has to determine what the law was, and what law applied, almost five years previously. But a recent slip and fall case has caused a court to evaluate whether a law changed back in 2010 should apply to an accident that happened in 2005.…

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