Articles Tagged with car accident lawyer miami

Car accidents can occur in unexpected situations and often without any warning. In many cases, people injured in these types of freak accidents are legally entitled to compensation from the person or party at fault for the accident. At Gerson & Schwartz, P.A., our car accident attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of the injured and work tirelessly to ensure that our clients obtain the full and fair value of their claim as soon as possible.

Diners in a local donut shop recently learned just how unexpected a car accident can be earlier this month when a car crashed through the front of a Miami-Dade donut shop. According to a report published at NBC six people were rushed to the hospital with varying injuries. Witness reported that it appeared that the driver, an older woman, hit the gas instead of the brake.

Obtaining Compensation after a Serious Accident Can Be Complicated

In today’s society, almost every driver has a cell phone. Whereas cell phones are often a lifesaver after an accident, or when a driver is stranded, they also pose a dangerous threat to motorists in the state of Florida. In 2015, approximately 45,740 accidents in Florida were attributed to distracted driving. About 24,560 of these crashes resulted in injuries, and, tragically, 198 resulted in fatalities. Nearly 200 individuals lost their lives in 2015 in Florida because a driver failed to pay attention to the road. Distracted driving accidents are on the rise and unfortunately will likely continue in the near future.

There are three categories of distractions on the road:

  • Visual, or taking one’s eyes off of the road;
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